Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by TapsC »

The job part is probably spot on. In terms of actual passions I would say cricket is behind Football and Rugby. Take the money out of it and it would never survive in Zim. If its a job for him then it makes sense why he wouldnt protest. He obviously doesnt want to risk his source of income because of his age and form. This is also why you saw Waller playing until he told them to piss off after he wasnt selected anyway.

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by sloandog »

Sean Bell wrote a status saying he was enjoying a spot of golf with 'former international players' Ryan Burl and Craig Ervine. Is he being sarcastic or genuine?

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by TapsC »

sloandog wrote:
Thu Jul 19, 2018 7:28 am
Sean Bell wrote a status saying he was enjoying a spot of golf with 'former international players' Ryan Burl and Craig Ervine. Is he being sarcastic or genuine?
Man. I really pray that Burl didnt join the strike. I really do. He will be one of the victims when they strike back for sure. How can you strike when your highest score in international cricket is 30 and you are trying to establish yourself in the team? That is career suicide. These guys will strike back without a doubt. This is not a fairytale. There will be victims. The bad guys in this story might not lose this war. You have to think before you act. I just thought he wasnt picked

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by zimbos_05 »

Kriterion_BD wrote:
Thu Jul 19, 2018 3:06 am

I've always felt that for a lot of black ZIM players cricket is a job, not something they do for the love of the game. Although ironically, given ZC chronic unwillingness to pay them properly, they often end up doing it pro bono.

But I feel like a Hamilton is a guy who had no intention of being a cricketer at age 12 or 13. Probably didn't even know the rules of the game. Probably didn't see his parents or uncles gathering around the TV/radio/newspaper to discuss the game as a child. He probably just happened to pick up a bat when in high school and then realized that he was better than 99.9 % of the other kids and realized he could make a career out of this. Same for the Eltons, the Vusis, the Prospers, etc.

Things might be different for the younger generation like Blessing, Musakanda, and others. They are young enough to have had black role models as kids or even had older brothers, uncles, fathers who were interested in the sport.

If you look at England, India, or Australia players...its not just a job for those players.
You're right. It's evident to see that to a lot of these guys there is no passion or desire. To label it black players only would be false because I saw some passionate black players in my time when I used to play in Zim, but they were never given the chance. However, it is evident that it is only the black players within the national set up that see this only as a job.

Hamilton has clearly shown to me that he is willing to put in just enough work to get in to the team and nothing more. He will never lose his spot because of his name and he can be a yes man, so why does he need to do anything more.
TapsC wrote:
Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:19 am

Man. I really pray that Burl didnt join the strike. I really do. He will be one of the victims when they strike back for sure. How can you strike when your highest score in international cricket is 30 and you are trying to establish yourself in the team?
Maybe because he has a spine and is willing to stand up for something. Burl could move overseas if he wanted to. This is the crux here. The guys striking could do without ZC and the guys not supporting this strike don't see that. They don't see that their careers are worse off without them. Yes they will get picked, but they will continually get beaten and battered all over the park. Humiliated by all forms of opposition and not really achieve the levels that they can be with a proper structure, training regime, and unit.

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by Googly »

If these white guys and Raza opt out we will never win another game of cricket unless the opposition throw the game. When the funding period is over we will be downgraded, it’s almost guaranteed.
As I said earlier, they do hold more power than they imagined.
The problem is that the guys that have not joined them will get more and more resentful.
The only hope is that something monumental happens after elections and the Board will really be put under the microscope. Once the fence sitters smell blood in the water they will open the whole can of worms and the ZC house will come tumbling down. Straddling that barbed wire has removed their collective tiny scrotum.

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by TapsC »

Googly wrote:
Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:52 am
If these white guys and Raza opt out we will never win another game of cricket unless the opposition throw the game. When the funding period is over we will be downgraded, it’s almost guaranteed.
As I said earlier, they do hold more power than they imagined.
The problem is that the guys that have not joined them will get more and more resentful.
The only hope is that something monumental happens after elections and the Board will really be put under the microscope. Once the fence sitters smell blood in the water they will open the whole can of worms and the ZC house will come tumbling down. Straddling that barbed wire has removed their collective tiny scrotum.
Problem is not all of them will opt out and the guys sitting out will not be playing in a couple of years anyway. This is why I am concerned for Burl. Notice that besides Waller, the other white guys who opted to play are below 30. This includes PJ and Jarvis. They are not dumb. This is the first problem

The second problem here is that I think besides the 2 guys who came from county cricket, everybody else's contract is up in 2 weeks to the best of my knowledge. It is very easy to sit at home knowing you are still owed money and you will be paid. Come August you are not getting paid for sitting at home. The reality is how many of those guys can earn between 7-10k a month anywhere else?probably half of them. The other half are just good guys out of a really substandard group of players.

We can talk about spine and whatever else but the reality is they are sitting out because its their job and they need to be paid for doing it. I have serious doubts that this strike will continue come July 25. BT himself when the messages leaked said he didnt want a fight with the board.

Come July 30 will they sit and negotiate with these guys or are they taking a stand for change? This is the question that needs an answer. If its about salaries only then I want to see what happens when 4 of them get offered contracts and 3 of them dont. Lets see who will sacrifice 10k a month because Burl has been kicked to the curb. Thats my worry. Just think of Olonga and Flower. 1 person was a winner in that situation and the other a loser if we are being honest. Taibu himself who is calling for action now refused to join Andy when he was approached. Dont be fooled by social media.

By the way these are examples. I dont have inside information

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by ZIMDOGGY »

I’m going to start a thread on this when I get a chance to sit down, but really lost all respect for Hammy. Spineless.

Three years ago watermelon told us this but we didn’t listen.
Cricinfo profile of the 'James Bond' of cricket:

FULL NAME: Angus James Mackay
BORN: 13 June 1967, Harare
KNOWN AS: Gus Mackay

'The' Gus Mackay.




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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by Googly »

The renewal of contracts has certainly come at a crictical juncture, hasn’t it. I haven’t had a chance to wrap my head around the ramifications.
Were Jarvis and Taylor not on a longer deal?
Is this for Central contracts, franchise or both?
I listened to a great podcast with Campbell. He’s definitely back in the mix and he was strongly advocating for a reduction in the number of franchise sides, which if there’s belt tightening is likely to hold water.
The next podcast deals with the unveiling of his academy.
It goes back to what I said- quality over quantity. I guess they will reduce the sides and use the money for more A side tours and hopefully some age group tours because that’s where it really starts. Those 14-16 year olds need to be focused on right now.
That means there will be some guys bitterly regretting not joining the sit out because they might be booted anyway.
The truth is most are not FC material and no amount of games will change that.
This crap board is going to be making some hugely unpopular decisions mighty soon. I hope they get stoned :lol:
If he has his way it’s two sides, but my guess is they will settle on three.
The rest go back to amateur club cricket. If they have any sense they will only have a handful of those as well and insist they have their own grounds. That part I would get some smug satisfaction from.
Unfortunately they probably need to continue funding these lads who believe they deserve everything on a platter, it’s time to join the real world. With guys like Campbell onboard maybe there would be some corporate buy-in to club stuff?
Anyway he’s talking with some authority, he’s basically saying we need to go back to where we started. What a waste, 25 years later back to square one!! If they had a conscience they would feel a twinge if shame. But they don’t so let’s move swiftly along :lol:

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by Googly »

I recall a great deal of negativity about Blessing not having a contract. Somehow Jarvis and Taylor were copping the blame because they were being looked after, and ZC had nothing to do with that?
Although he will still be dry fucked he’s going to be a happy guy soon, as will Ngarava, Mavuta, perhaps Madhevere....who else, who were earning peanuts before.
Unless they structure a deal for Murray he’s heading back to Uni and will play for free as and when studies permit.
I smell a big shake up looming.

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Re: Tour of Bangladesh moved up to October 2018

Post by Googly »

Burl can feel rightfully aggrieved in not having played in these ODI’s. I’m sure he will know in days whether he has a future here or not.
Interesting days ahead. There will be some big decisions who they send on A tours. There’s hardly anyone to pick and they’re going to have to pad the sides out with some experienced guys who’ve had opportunity to step up and haven’t.
The cat is out of the bag that we don’t have any depth whatsoever. The international cricketing public have suddenly realized what shit we’re in depth-wise and age group-wise. I’m almost prepared to guarantee that we’ve been put on further notice to sort it out pronto.
This board is incapable of that. They need to go!!

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