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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

eugene wrote:
Sat Apr 11, 2020 4:21 pm
Parts of the USA have likely already experienced the peak of the pandemic. I am thinking by the end of May we should be able to reopen gradually, with maybe at-risk people still quarantining themselves somewhat.
The longer this goes on the more i believe it’s a con.
They’re not truthful about the causes of death, nobody is truthful about anything to do with this mystery disease. Lockdown is a first world solution and even there I don’t believe in it, here in Africa it’s for these unscrupulous leaders to steal funding meant for fighting Corona. There is nothing they won’t steal, there’s no limit to the shamelessness.
Lockdown is an absolute joke in Africa, anyone who believes it’s the answer is a complete idiot. Our president is copying Ramaphosa like his pet parrot and Rmaphosa is copying someone from the first world.

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

How is that thief in charge of the WHO, how do First World countries keep funding an organization essentially controlled by China?
It’s like that muppet from Singapore being in charge of the ICC. The world has gone mad, we need a big reset.

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Re: Corona

Post by Kriterion_BD »

The problem with opening things up is that it will infect a lot of people and cause a mass die off. The ensuing panic and hysteria will destroy the economy that we are so eager to protect.

Suppose 5% of all people die. It won’t just be grandma and grandpa. There will be a lot of doctors, nurses, engineers, and other vital people who will die. Society won’t be able to function without these essentials.

This crisis has shown that its the lowly cashier at Tesco who is essential to society, not the CEO of Amazon or Boeing. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

So you hole up in a cave for how long? Take a worst case and you hide until September, then what, has Corona disappeared?

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

At most .05% of people will die. They need to test everybody to see who’s had it. The results will astonish everybody, especially here in Africa. We can’t hide from this, the consequences are far more devastating.

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Re: Corona

Post by Kriterion_BD »

Googly wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:34 am
So you hole up in a cave for how long? Take a worst case and you hide until September, then what, has Corona disappeared?
Unless one is an epidemiologist or an MD (MBBS), he or she cannot have the requisite background to make a call like that.

As an MD, the answer to your question is you hole up in the cave as long as is necessary. "First, do no harm". A billionaire's yacht isn't worth 5 or 10 or 10,000 lives of ordinary people.

The economy won't matter if everyone's dead.

Side note...Nikki Haley is now agreeing with Trump on witholding the WHO's funding claiming that the Chinese have too much influence. To counter Chinese influence, you need to buy influence yourself. And to buy influence you have to either care about other nations and multinational organizations or at least pretend you do. We are now doing neither of those things and annoying our traditional allies in Europe and elsewhere and hence the Chinese pretend to care and garner all the influence. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

Kriterion if you think you can keep 7 billion people under lock and key you’re dreaming. It’s not feasible in multi-cultural First World countries let alone impoverished 4th world quagmires.
People’s lives are collateral damage in what turning out to be the biggest power game ever played. Lives ain’t worth nothing, particularly to countries with a communist/socialist ilk where you’re expected to sacrifice yourself for the greater good, I told you it’s a form of religion.
Not everyone is going to die :lol:, worst case 1%.
It’s the economy that matters, way more than lives, if you can’t see that then watch and learn.
These morons in the First World are about to push us into a recession with devastating long term consequences.
We’ve got plenty leaders with lots of letters behind their names that have as much common sense and reasoning as a tadpole so as impressive as the letters are they don’t mean jack. It’s the people with the money and the guns that make the decisions, and when they push the povo too hard a leader emerges and they all hopefully end up with their heads on a pike.
Last edited by Googly on Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

I’m wondering if my black African brothers getting treated like citizens third class by the dog chompers and getting told to fuck off back to where they came from are feeling slightly sheepish? :lol:
It doesn’t feel so good does it?
Anyway hopefully some good will come of it and we can set China’s aspirations back a few years on this continent.

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Re: Corona

Post by Kriterion_BD »

Googly wrote:
Sun Apr 12, 2020 7:46 am
Not everyone is going to die :lol:, worst case 1%.

At the time of this post, there are 1.8 million cases around the world with 108,000 deaths. That is 5%. However, there is some data suggesting the actual death rate of closed (resolved cases) ranges from 10-20% dead. Now also remember that these numbers are just from the developed nations. China is almost surely underreporting and there is almost no data from Asian and African countries and only scant data from the MENA region. Suffice it to say the actual number of cases is probably over 10 million and the dead are probably approaching 1 million because in countries like Bangladesh or India, they aren't testing all the bodies in the morgue.
It’s the economy that matters, way more than lives,
Incorrect. Let me ask you a rhetorical question? What's a dead man going to do with a 1 million dollars?
It’s the people with the money and the guns that make the decisions,
Then why do the folks with the money and guns hire the guys "with the letters" as their advisors?

When you get sick, do you go to a guy with a gun or a guy with a stethoscope?

The fact is, the guy with the stethoscope and letters after his name is "essential". So is the cashier at Tesco or Walmart. The billionaire on his boat is not. This virus is proving that point. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

There is nothing statistically significant in those figures.
You have to test everybody to see who’s really had it.
The deaths amongst those people that were that sick that they felt they needed a test gives such a skewed statistic that it has to be disregarded.

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