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Re: UAE & Afghanistan tour of Zimbabwe 2019 : Pre Series Discussion

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 6:01 am
by jimmylesaint
Seriuosly TapsC
You going to take the rights to the word "entitlement" as well and go cry in the corner :roll: :roll:
I guess what you are not comprehending is two things
1)older people may remember the pre-independence days and if your resolution to that is to kick the next white children in their face for what their grandfathers may or may not have done then you are just as bad or even worse then the same pre-independence whites/ndebeles.
2)Many of us have only known a zimbabwe where as a minority we are dealing with racism on a daily occurrence and the black entitlement movement
these are simply facts- but you wouldn't know because it doesn't affect you, you're black. When mugabe told the whites to go back to europe did you even blink or raise your voice in opposition to blatant state sponsored racism? Or did you just snigger shits and giggles :lol:

As for the subject i can only congratulate Afghanistan on clambering over Zimbabwe by repeatedly thumping us and getting higher up the ladder and respectability. You of course have to wonder how much ZC board got to OK the games.
The Afghans have played their hearts out to the point of exhaustion, they clearly have struggled being homeless and underpaid for ages but despite all the challenges stuffed us in the face and deserve their position.
To step up to the top 4in the world they need to repeat what they did to us with SA.

They'll always have my support :W:

Re: UAE & Afghanistan tour of Zimbabwe 2019 : Pre Series Discussion

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2019 8:57 am
by zimbos_05
Fri Mar 22, 2019 1:07 am

To be fair, Zimbo_5 never said Asia is a perfect place at all, he said he doesn’t care because he identifies as Australian and Asia isn’t somewhere he thinks about.

And Asians do not get treated like second class citizens in Oz at all, they are treated extremely well. That’s why so many migrate here and anyone who lives here would laugh at that statement. To China and the sub continent, Australia is heaven.
I have a feeling he is referring to Asians as people form the sub-continent, not from places like Japan/China/Korea etc etc. I get your point, which still stands.

Re: UAE & Afghanistan tour of Zimbabwe 2019 : Pre Series Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 1:14 am
Yeah I think so too and yes the point still stands.

As you no Doubt know, it’s weird hearing Indians and such being referred to as ‘Asians’ in Australia. The sub continent is not viewed as asian at all. Separate category for curries.

Re: UAE & Afghanistan tour of Zimbabwe 2019 : Pre Series Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 8:46 am
by Googly
Wow that escalated quickly in my absence. We’ll never be free of the issue of race here or anywhere in the world it seems. I don’t think you can compare Afghanistan’s success despite their economic and war woes to Zimbabwe. We have a different set of circumstances.
The fundamental difference is this-
Afghanistan is cricket mad, their entire population! They know there’s not enough money coming from their board and they make a plan to play cricket regardless of their circumstances.
Despite what people say here only a very small portion of our country have a real interest in cricket and despite best efforts I don’t think that will change much. We’ve seen time and again that if ZC or corporates don’t basically lay it on no one lifts a finger. There are a few exceptions, but it is what it is. ZC’s grass roots drive has always been dishonest window dressing. They pick up a few decent players but it will never really gain traction. They should have focused on government schools that used to have infrastructure, but they’ve chosen to ignore the obvious. You’ll never get good players without passionate coaches and parents and we lack both.
Our white population and increasingly our black, is mobile and many have the option to flee the dire circumstances that have befallen our beautiful country.
Taps- you can’t say that the white guys get equal treatment here, the reality is that they probably get more than equal treatment, but once dozens have left and only a handful remain that’s a disingenuous statement.
For sure the economy has chased away more people than ZC has, but they’ve played a huge hand nonetheless.
With 10 mil a year we could have had a nucleus of serious young cricketers in the wings, but they’ve chosen to ignore them, partly because there’s more white boys than black, and partly because they just don’t know how to do it and don’t really give a damn. Whilst ICC just keep throwing money at them and there’s no one in the hierarchy that cares enough to use it wisely, why should they?
My best example of ZC not giving a shit is Muyeye. After decades of praying for a world class black teenage batsman they finally get one (and his development had sweet f%* all to do with ZC!) and they make a token effort to reel him in. It boggles the mind.
With a diabolically managed FC and club system and a plethora of bang average cricketers that they seem intent on keeping on a subsistence lifeline until they die of old age they could still identify a half dozen extremely talented young players and get them playing here at any cost, because our survival depends on it.

Re: UAE & Afghanistan tour of Zimbabwe 2019 : Pre Series Discussion

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2019 9:02 pm
by zimfan1
Murray was available but not selected 😔