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Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:46 am
by admin
What is the story with Diplock? About a year ago it seemed he was taking wickets for fun at club level, got a few franchise matches... and it's now been quiet for a while. Is he still playing club cricket? Does he still have ambitions to represent Zim?

Obviously the nuclear option is we start a #diplockmania hashtag, it resulted in Test selection for PJ Moor and it worked for Daniel Jakiel too who by all reports is tearing it up in Jamaica now. We at ZCF can make it happen for Diplock too.

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:16 pm
by Flakeman
There hasn't been any club cricket since early December.

Bowled really well in the first half of the club season, took on average 2 wickets a game but the main thing with him is that he goes at almost nothing to the over. He is accurate and he swings it alot. He could be really quick if he got into proper shape. He's naturally a big guy and seems to rely on his basic strength for any pace he generates.

He had a great season in the UK, with bat and ball. Playing a good standard too I believe. It pains me to think where he could go if he got his act together. He can't go back to UK this year and gets overlooked at Eagles. Eagles is a massive shambles to be fair but he's got no other options. So one has to think,where too from here? Life in this place is impossible almost so what is a young guy like him gonna do?

Gargamel, Googly, sloandog what are your thoughts on the kid.

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:53 pm
by Googly
We've seen the same seamers year in and year out. We finally get a guy that can hoop it yet he can't get games? He pissed the wrong person off and he's been whitelisted, that's all.

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 12:56 pm
by Googly
He's not a good batsman, so I question the club standard he's played in the UK, but he's certainly a decent bowler and deserves games. It's nonsense.

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 2:01 pm
by aydee
Here are his club stats for the last couple of seasons. Solid, especially the economy rate, but unspectacular.

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:49 pm
by Flakeman
I wouldn't trust those stats as far as I could throw them. Missing games and wrong people in there too. Standard Zim mess

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 3:52 pm
by Flakeman
He's not a great batsman but definately very handy. Scored quite a few fifties as 1st league.

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:44 pm
by gargamel
Dipaz is unfortunately that unwanted bastard son that gets ignored and beaten when he rocks up to his dead bit dads home. I rate him as a talent natural skills . But the honest truth Diplock may be Lazy or just Frustrated at his limited Opportunities. He just needs to show face and put in the yards or join the white boy clique. I still rate Tino Mafusire ahead of him.

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 7:30 pm
by aydee
Flakeman wrote:I wouldn't trust those stats as far as I could throw them. Missing games and wrong people in there too. Standard Zim mess
Nah, OHCC are very good at putting their info up. These will be pretty much on point.

Re: Brandon Diplock

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:32 pm
by sloandog
Solid player, solid bloke, by all accounts lazy. He mentioned to me that Timoni isn't selecting him due to some kind of vendetta, not sure how true that is. He should be playing FC Cricket but the fact remains, he isn't.