The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

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The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

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Martin Williamson at Cricinfo wrote:It's been a rare good week for Zimbabwe cricket with their victory over West Indies in the opening ODI at Harare, but off the field things are not so rosy.

A report by Malcolm Conn in today's Australian newspaper claims that Peter Chingoka, the Zimbabwe cricket chairman, and Ozias Bvute, the board's controversial managing director, could face charges under the ICC's code of ethics next year.
About 6 hours ago I thought to myself, it's been a while since the ZC board has been in the media. Lo-and-behold, today on Cricinfo, this appears.

Chingoka, who has been ZC president since about 1993, has friends in the ICC, I think he is the only reason Zimbabwe managed to keep playing at the top level for the best few years. If he goes, I'm worried about his replacement. I don't really think there is anyone experienced enough that could successfully replace him, bar Dave Ellman-Brown, who would be an unlikely replacement. Dave Everington is another possibility, having been vice president about 8 years ago IIRC, but again, an unlikely replacement.

Luckily, Zimbabwe has wins over Australia and West Indies which should be enough to defend any attempts to revoke their full member status should Chingoka go.

What is the feeling around here about Chingoka and a possible overhaul of the board?

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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by maehara » admin wrote:If he goes, I'm worried about his replacement. I don't really think there is anyone experienced enough that could successfully replace him, bar Dave Ellman-Brown, who would be an unlikely replacement. Dave Everington is another possibility, having been vice president about 8 years ago IIRC, but again, an unlikely replacement.
This is the problem. There are plenty of experienced cricketing folk in Zim who might be prepared to step into the breach (Charlie Robertson, ex of Mashonaland Country Districts, is another one), but the problem is that most of them are whites and would probably not be acceptable in the current political climate there. Most of the people who are current administrators out in the provincial boards don't have the experience to run the game nationally.

Re: altering the Board's accounts to hide foreign currency transactions from the government: that's a simple fact of life of doing business in Zimbabwe. To stay in business you need to have a supply of forex, as the Zim dollar is essentially worthless; officially you're meant to hand all your earned forex over to the govt at the official rate, if ZC did that (or any other business, for that matter), they'd be out of business in no time. Unless it's also being used as a cover for some personal enrichment (which I wouldn't be surprised about), I wouldn't hold that against them.

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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by tawac »

As maehara pointed out most of the people expierince enough for the chairmanship are white, but then again the rugby union president is white so I dont think its entirely impossible. Amgost all the black folks around no one of them can really take the post. But I think Chingoka has been at the helm for too long, for far can he go?
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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by admin »

Is the government (sports/recreation commission) still overseeing the running of Zimbabwe Cricket? If so, I think the chance of the experienced white administrators playing a role in the running of the board is pretty slim.

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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by maehara » admin wrote:Is the government (sports/recreation commission) still overseeing the running of Zimbabwe Cricket? If so, I think the chance of the experienced white administrators playing a role in the running of the board is pretty slim.
No - the SRC's involvement ended when the Interim board was replaced by the current one about 2 years ago. I also think that, at the time they dissolved the original ZC board, the SRC had been keen to do the right thing and had seemed to be talking to the right people - but there appears to have been political intervention to keep Chingoka in charge. I got the impression at the time that the SRC wasn't happy at the way things played out.

Question: if the ICC finds them guilty of ethics violations, what's the penalty? They don't have any control over national boards, so they can't actually remove them from their posts - it would be up to them to do the "honourable thing" and step down, and to be frank I don't think there's much possibility of that happening...

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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by admin »

maehara wrote:Question: if the ICC finds them guilty of ethics violations, what's the penalty? They don't have any control over national boards, so they can't actually remove them from their posts - it would be up to them to do the "honourable thing" and step down, and to be frank I don't think there's much possibility of that happening...
Chingoka could be barred from attending any ICC meetings. If that happened, it would be pointless to stay in the job. Someone would have to represent Zimbabwe at the ICC board meetings, it would seem stupid to have a local president (Chingoka) and an international president (someone else) but then again this is Zimbabwe.

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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by Kopje »

Its high time Chingoka and Bvute leaves the board. We need individuals who are honest and can power the game in our country. It doesn't matter what colour the next chairman is, as long as he got experience and can run the game, as said mentioned by someone that the rugby chairman is white, and i think the tennis chairman is white as well.

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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by admin »

Kopje wrote:Its high time Chingoka and Bvute leaves the board. We need individuals who are honest and can power the game in our country. It doesn't matter what colour the next chairman is, as long as he got experience and can run the game, as said mentioned by someone that the rugby chairman is white, and i think the tennis chairman is white as well.
Well put. Welcome to the forum Kopje :)

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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by Kopje » admin wrote:
Kopje wrote:Its high time Chingoka and Bvute leaves the board. We need individuals who are honest and can power the game in our country. It doesn't matter what colour the next chairman is, as long as he got experience and can run the game, as said mentioned by someone that the rugby chairman is white, and i think the tennis chairman is white as well.
Well put. Welcome to the forum Kopje :)

Thanks a lot

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Re: The end near for Chingoka and Bvute?

Post by admin »

The Australian wrote:Chingoka and Bvute are expected to face charges under the ICC's code of ethics next year.

Section two of the code states: Each director shall act in an honest and ethical manner. In order to facilitate the transparent operation of the ICC, conduct that gives the appearance of impropriety will also be unacceptable.

Sanctions include, but are not limited to, removal as an ICC director.

If Chingoka and Bvute are not charged, cricket's governing body will be exposed as being even more compromised and dysfunctional than it already appears. The Australian has obtained details of an ICC forensic audit that has found alarming but unsurprising irregularities in ZC's finances, including millions of dollars in ICC dividends that remain unaccounted for.

There has been a lack of co-operation and documentation from ZC, with Chingoka and Bvute constantly changing their explanations for transactions.

This includes numerous transactions involving UK bank accounts that have not been adequately justified.

"The audit is painting a very bad picture," an ICC signatory said.

The ICC would not comment on the audit, except to say that it is still in the hands of KPMG. "It was hoped it would have been completed in time for the board meeting at the end of October but that was not the case," an ICC spokesman said. "We await the completion of that report."

Presentation of the audit was postponed until the next meeting in February because of continuing irregularities and insufficient information.

Even though the audit is yet to be completed, The Australian understands there is already enough evidence to charge and ban Chingoka and Bvute with having any affiliation to the ICC.

This means both would be forced to step down from their official positions because only the president or chairman of a country's governing cricket body can represent their country at the ICC board table and only the chief executive can do the same at CEO meetings.

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