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ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:49 pm
by secretzimbo

Re: ZC announce major restructure and investment

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 7:50 pm
by secretzimbo
A complete restructure of personnel and structure within the national and domestic pathways and systems.

A restructure of franchise coaching

A new Academy

And new indoor facilities for all five franchises

No head coach yet

Re: ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sat Feb 10, 2024 9:32 pm
by zimfan1
It's a start. Betting that it will be 2035 and these indoor centres and still not built 🤣

Re: ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:09 am
by Googly
What does restructuring personnel mean? Does it mean sacking people, shuffling them sideways, upwards or downwards? Or maybe just shouting at them to pull their socks up.

Restructuring franchise coaching? Same question.

Indoor facilities is a great move, but expensive and they'll still be talking about it in 5 years time.

The mythical academy manned by relatives and friends is largely pointless unless done properly.

The important one of paying the emerging/A/u25 or whatever they want to call them, so they can actually pay rent and eat for 12 months seems to not be relevant.

Will they make public the recommendation for huge salary hikes for board and admin for thinking of improving cricket?

Two months to come up with 5 broad and obvious statements is about right for this neck of the woods.
I guess we will wait for a year for the committee to be chosen to implement all these genius moves.

Re: ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 7:17 am
by Googly
Oh and the big one of having unbiased and knowledgeable selections seems to have been overlooked.

These blokes wouldn't have asked any current players what they thought could improve things because they'd have been too terrified not to say things were fantastic.
I wonder who they approached who might have been vaguely honest? I suspect ZCF was tapped into. We should bill them.

Re: ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:48 am
by secretzimbo
These things they have suggested all sound good. As you say Googly, it’s all obvious stuff, stuff we’ve all been calling for for years.

Whether any of it actually happens is another question.

And when are we going to hear details?
What are the timeframes for this restructure?
Who is leading it?
Who is going to be held accountable for it?

The indoor centres - great! I will eat my hat if all five actually happen though.
Where are they going to be?
They aren’t cheap - where is the sudden investment coming from? And why weren’t they built years ago?
Again what are the timeframes and who is accountable for their delivery?

An academy - great!!
Where is it going to be
Who is going to run it
Who are the coaches
Who are the players
What are the objectives
Who will be held accountable for its success?

Re: ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:49 am
by secretzimbo
One of the resolutions the board made is to ‘advertise for the head coach position’.

Dave resigned two months ago. Why has it taken 2 months to even begin looking for a head coach?!?!

Re: ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:51 am
by secretzimbo
At least the penny has dropped and they have actually realised massive changes are needed. That’s progress! That’s half the battle.

The other half is actually doing it and actually doing it well.

Let’s see what they come up with

Re: ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 9:24 am
by aydee
Basically no details in this whatsoever...

Re: ZC announce major restructure: Mhishi Committee

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 10:45 am
by zimbos_05
All of these recommendations are the bare minimum and do not really change anything because the people in charge of enacting these changes are the same ones who have been screwing up everything.