Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

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Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by zimfan1 »

Recently there has been many people calling for Utseya's head to roll after the thrashing by Bangladesh, but we need to remember that Utseya is one of only three players who have stuck by ZC throught the rebels saga and have not shown any signs of defecting (the other two being Chigumbura and Mupariwa). The question is should we replay his faith in us by showing our faith in him. Remember he has carried Zimbabwe through a very difficult period and now the worse is over (touch wood) we can now kick on to the next level. To discard him now would be harsh due to the dedication he has shown to Zimbabwe cricket.

But on the other hand his game has suffered as from our talent pool he would proberly not make the first x1 on his current form and his captaincy has been suspect over the past year. So what do we do?

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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by maehara »

Utseya's captaincy seems to be influenced a lot by whoever is coach at the time - iirc, he was a much better leader when Robin Brown was in charge, while under Walter Chawaguta he seems to have lost the plot.

That makes me think that Utseya's strength is in carrying out the gameplan he's given - when we have a strong coach who's not afraid to stamp his authority on the side, Utseya does well; a less experienced coach, perhaps less confident, and he struggles.

So my point is: if Chawaguta's contract is renewed - which is admittedly looking unlikely - then we need to look for a different captain. If there's a new coach on the way (Streaky, by most accounts), the sure, leave Prosper in place for the time being and let's see how they work together.

As for the matter of "loyalty"... If Prosper's playing is taking a knock as a result of the pressures of captaincy, then I don't think it's disloyal to him to say "Your strengths lie elsewhere - go concentrate on them, and on being the best player you can be, and let someone else worry about captaining the side." No point having him do something he's not suited to.

Detective RDS
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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by Detective RDS »

My personal observation is that Zimbabwe needs a captain from the pool of their quality/best players. Utseya is always making the first XI since he is the skipper. If he wasn't the captain, I suspect he would have been got the cut. Again, there is a lot of good spinners knocking at the national door while Utseya is struggling with his form. If he wasn't the captain, Graeme Cremer would have had more chance to proove himself and Zimbabwe could have taken an extra seamer in total 4 with Chigumbura. So, I think Utseya has become a bar in these strategies, the action/effect is slowing down.

Yes, Utseya has lead Zimbabwe in a difficult situation. But his recent performance as a captain isn't impressive at all and under a lot of question. Another and the most negative point is that his form is suffering a lot in international format. He was with the team in the past because of his economy rate under 4. But by now, it's raised higher than 4 and in recent matches he is also proved to be expensive.

For me, captain should be a person who is a performer of the team. Utseya isn't that kind of player. He performed the job for a good period of time as there was no contempopary for the captaincy. But I think the time has come for Zimbabwe to look for the future. Utseya isn't a leading spinner for the tests also. He isn't a wicket taker and played only one test instead Graeme Cremer has played 6 tests. That really tells the story a bit ! Zimbabwe should appoint a new captain (Raymond Price likely) and leave Utseya to concentrate in his own performance so that he can work in building a permanent place in the side.

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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by zimdan »

Lets be honest, Utseya wouldnt be in the side if the rebels hadnt left, thats my view but im pretty sure most of you would agree, so no we shouldnt show him loyalty.

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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by eugene »

The problem with Utseya is really that he doesn't warrant selection in the national side at the moment. If he was performing well I would be happy to give him more time to learn the captaincy role.
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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by Horo »

as mentioned above had the rebel players and many other established players in first class cricket at the time not gone elsewhere utseya would have never been able to keep his place in the team let alone the captaincy bring on ray price :D

Detective RDS
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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by Detective RDS »

Horo wrote:as mentioned above had the rebel players and many other established players in first class cricket at the time not gone elsewhere utseya would have never been able to keep his place in the team let alone the captaincy bring on ray price :D
I think that sums up everything, the current situation. I agree with you hundread percent.

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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by Kopje »

NO i think he should be removed as captain. I appreciate his loyalty and all that, but i couldn't agree more with Detective RDS that we need to choose a captain from the best, i say lets give it to Ray Price.

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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by Tinashce Ruswa »

Captains aren't born they are made, its a process you cannot groom a guy for 4 years then because of issues call for his head!It is a commitment and it goes both ways and skills re not learned overnight, he can bowl we all know that so let him get back to it and get his from back, we should never look at what if's, What if the rebels had not left?? they did..and he stayed to raise up a new team...Emphasis is on continuity and there are many ways to lead charisma, exemplary etc, not your best players at the time are the captains.

So now we look at where we are in relation to where we were, and I believe and I know with enough technical input in the background he will perform as he led before if not even better, we should learn to stick with core components of a team and build around them, remember Smiths initial tenure.

Price is a great bowler same as Durrty but do they have captaining aspirations, and how many years does Price wanna go on at I mean look at how long pup has been in Ponting's shadow?we need to have faith and Price maintains his mentor-ship role i.e maintain the balances of scale

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Re: Should we show the same loyalty that Utseya has shown us?

Post by sloandog »

No sorry Tinashce Ruswa i disagree. Yes he did groom a very young and inexperienced side in a time when zimbabwe cricket was looking more like a joke than sport. But now thinks are on the up, i think its time to look to the future. I totally agree with what you say about keeping faith in him, but perhaps we've keapt it with him a little too long. As we saw in the recent bangladesh series, his field settings were baffling. Having had the captancy for nearly 4 years you would have thought he's have learnt. I think with better players and better thinkers of the game around, i feel we should use them 2 our advantage. :W:

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