Gary Ballance Statement

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

Kriterion_BD wrote:
Sat Nov 20, 2021 6:37 am
Googly wrote:
Sat Nov 20, 2021 5:57 am
The problem was most rightfully refused the offer.
They rightfully refused, because they were owed "40 acres and a mule" as reparations, which most to this day haven't gotten. After that, you can debate whether they are better off here or in Africa.

My comprehension is fine, I'm reading exactly what you wrote. The problem is you've posted certain talking points, and that particular political leaning is perceived to be inversely proportional (with extremely rare exceptions of course) to intellectual capacity. You confused privilege for wealth. Then you conflated voluntarily leaving one's native country to being enslaved.

This thread started off about Yorkshire CC and more generally the situation in's a great illustration. Maajed Nawaz is by all accounts a centrist type of guy. He has a lot of right-wing positions (eg believes Muslims should be profiled, is an anti-masker and probably an anti-vaxxer as well). Yet here he is confronted by an Englishman who doesn't believe he belongs in the UK:
You continue to twist things to suit your narrative.
Nobody hangs around for 300 years to claim their 40 acres and a mule :lol: They stayed because they knew exactly what they were heading back to.
How do you possibly perceive my talking points to be right wing? I'm just stating facts. There are extraordinarily stupid people on both ends of the political spectrum.
If you don't think wealth buys you a level of privelege you're sorely mistaken.
I listened to Majeed, super smart and patient guy under-selling himself by having an unnecessary conversation with a moron, what's your point here? It's a typical left wing trick- pick an idiot to debate and then assume said idiot is representative of all people you are prejudiced against to prove whatever point you're trying to make. He's not using it, you are. If you want to talk about intellectual capacity being inversely proportional to your political affiliation you're shooting yourself in the foot.

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Kriterion_BD »

Googly wrote:
Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:54 am

If you don't think wealth buys you a level of privelege you're sorely mistaken.
Thank you for at least returning to the topic.

Wealth accounts for 10% of privilege and that is not all that much. Fame accounts for far more. Take LeBron James for example. He is fairly wealthy (net worth currently 1 billion USD). However, he was told by your teammate (Laura Ingraham) to shut up and dribble simply because of his skin color. Her net worth is at most 5% of Lebron's yet she spoke to him like she was his mother. I could understand if LeBron had said something offensive or repugnant, but he didn't. He merely stated how he felt about being a black man in America and was told to shut up. He's got the right to free speech as well. If what he said is incorrect, he should be proven wrong. If someone with 5% of your money can talk to you like a dog, you ain't that privileged. It has nothing to do with wealth. Health has more to do with privilege than wealth does. LeBron might not get the George Floyd treatment, but thats due almost solely to his fame, not his wealth. Cops won't care if you are in a lambo or a pinto. Kyle Rittenhouse has no wealth that I am aware of. Neither did George Zimmerman. Are there exceptions to the rule? Defintely...but they are exceptions. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

I wasn't really up to speed on LeBron James, but it didn't take long, he's been blessed with a low IQ and uses his fame as a platform to make inflammatory and largely untrue political statements. Of course he's entitled to that and it does have traction amongst his sub 80 IQ followers, of which there are many amongst the left wing Marxist brigade and not so surprisingly you seem to be an ardent supporter.
I think that woman simply told him to shut up because he's stupid and she thinks he's a twat, which she's also fully entitled to do. Of course you've jumped on the race band wagon like your running mate Al Sharpton and decided it was because of his colour that he was spoken to in that fashion. Get off that horse, man, its so boring.

I read that he refused to take her on in a debate proving that he's only comfortable with simple one liners, and he also refused to speak to that black police officer who got sick of his repeated ridiculous "defund the police" campaign that has contributed to the divide in America. If the black folk there can't figure out that they're being played by desperate Democrats then they deserve who they voted for and their plight will continue unabated.

If you think fame/privelege is the right to being spoken to politely take some time out and listen to Ricky Gervais eviscerate those Hollywood muppets.

Please don't tell me you thought that blubbering little Rambo wannabe kretin Rittenhouse was guilty of murder? If you watched the tapes and thought he was guilty then you are beyond hope. He and his parents should face serious consequences for raising an arsehole, but he was about to be made into a vegetable casserole if he hadn't shot those looters. Did you think it was mere coincidence that all had a rap sheet? :lol:
I'm actually sorry that he killed the child rapist, that wasn't fair, that should have been a spine shot.

If LeBron wanted to do BLM and the black community in general a proper favour and really make a name for himself he could issue this sage advice- Stop resisting arrest! Whether you are guilty or innocent, just do what you're told when you're confronted with 2 angry armed trigger happy policemen.
These guys go one step further, they start quoting amendments, refuse to hand over ID's and then wait for 12 back-up angrier bigger cops to arrive and then they try their karate. You try that in most countries and you're going to get the snot beaten out of you at best. I've watched some of these videos, I absolutely despise cops in general, but I find myself rooting for the cops to at least tazer the dude in the head.

I want one of those clever dicks that film police stations to come here and video Harare Central, I'll pay for the ticket. Its usually fat white fucks that try this trick :lol: Honest to God he'd never be seen again.

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Kriterion_BD »

It's been an entertaining discussion, you can have the last word since you've already got the privilege. Till next time. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by secretzimbo »

Googly wrote:
Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:47 pm
I want one of those clever dicks that film police stations to come here and video Harare Central, I'll pay for the ticket. Its usually fat white fucks that try this trick :lol: Honest to God he'd never be seen again.
This is so true hahhaha :lol: :lol: :lol: These supercilious yanks wouldn't survive a week in Harare honestly. :lol:

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by ZIMDOGGY »

Fuck I missed you Googly.
Cricinfo profile of the 'James Bond' of cricket:

FULL NAME: Angus James Mackay
BORN: 13 June 1967, Harare
KNOWN AS: Gus Mackay

'The' Gus Mackay.




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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Tinah09 »

Kriterion_BD wrote:
Sat Nov 20, 2021 4:08 pm
Googly wrote:
Sat Nov 20, 2021 8:54 am

If you don't think wealth buys you a level of privelege you're sorely mistaken.
Thank you for at least returning to the topic.

Wealth accounts for 10% of privilege and that is not all that much. Fame accounts for far more. Take LeBron James for example. He is fairly wealthy (net worth currently 1 billion USD). However, he was told by your teammate (Laura Ingraham) to shut up and dribble simply because of his skin color. Her net worth is at most 5% of Lebron's yet she spoke to him like she was his mother. I could understand if LeBron had said something offensive or repugnant, but he didn't. He merely stated how he felt about being a black man in America and was told to shut up. He's got the right to free speech as well. If what he said is incorrect, he should be proven wrong. If someone with 5% of your money can talk to you like a dog, you ain't that privileged. It has nothing to do with wealth. Health has more to do with privilege than wealth does. LeBron might not get the George Floyd treatment, but thats due almost solely to his fame, not his wealth. Cops won't care if you are in a lambo or a pinto. Kyle Rittenhouse has no wealth that I am aware of. Neither did George Zimmerman. Are there exceptions to the rule? Defintely...but they are exceptions.
Your well-crafted arguments are wasted "debating" right-wing bigots in forums, they will revert to insults, strawman-ing and being deliberately obtuse. Its now come to Lebron James's supposedly low IQ, "black people in the US should comply" and other 8-Chan talking points.

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

:lol: That's reverting to an insult right there.
I'm hardly a bigot, and I'm absolutely not right wing- spoken like a true left wing bigot. :lol:

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Kriterion_BD »

Googly wrote:
Sun Nov 21, 2021 11:27 am
:lol: That's reverting to an insult right there.
I'm hardly a bigot, and I'm absolutely not right wing- spoken like a true left wing bigot. :lol:
You may not be right wing, but your posts are. And since none of us knows each other personally, post history is all we have to go by. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

Maybe you've misconstrued them. I believe in a level playing field for all. I have a big issue with any form of affirmative action as a means of doing it, mainly because in Zim and SA we are on the receiving end and have been for for a very long time. Ive seen the results of it as well- chaos and a much lower standard of living and opportunities for practically everyone but the elites. It's created real skepticism in a generation of white kids here, which means in fact that they're not trying to eradicate racism at all, they're just trying to get ahead and happy to be racist in order to do so, that's the unpalatable truth of it. The trick is to buy time by making people be profoundly sorry for something they didn't do.
Pulling a previously disadvantaged group up by dragging another group down is the very definition of racism. The hypocrisy of that is sickening. Its coming to a head in America with the increasing backlash to CRT. I've actually been doing a lot of reading about it and listening to talks, it's astonishing what's going on and it's plain wrong. Being anti all of the above does not make me right wing. :lol:
The truth of the matter is that in a lot of instances where there is strong affirmative action (this is a good description for a plethora of ways where people get MORE than equal opportunity) only a small percentage of people manage to take advantage of it. Is there ever going to be a cut off whereby someone says, listen you've had long enough, let's make the playing field level again, or are more ways going to be invented to keep it going eg CRT.
Is this a right wing bigoted post? It's a genuine question.
Whoever thinks so is actually the racist.

Anyway onto a different topic- looks like Rafiq is facing more discomfort. ... 82629?s=24

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