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Re: Corona

Post by Kriterion_BD »

Just found out my uncle in Brooklyn NYC and a cousin in Long Island tested positive. Apparently doing well but the pandemic hits home for me. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Corona

Post by zimbos_05 »

So much going on, didn't know where to start. Firstly, I acknowledge Googly and his concerns. I'm not dismissing them, but I've been in this situation before. I say the idea is not true and this is what Islam actually is. It gets dismissed and I get told I am wrong. It goes on and on until I eventually have to say, I give up. Which essentially means, I as a Muslim, do not matter in this. My views, my ideology, my humanity are irrelevant because everyone knows better about my religion and what it actually is.
Googly wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:24 pm

You don’t need to look much further than this to know you guys are downplaying a situation that you know exists.
Are there not bad spots in every religion? I am not downplaying anything. I accept there issues, but I also understand what is actually islam and know how to differentiate what I see from the religion actually is. Again, Ashin Wirathu. But am I going to say that that is how all Buddhism is and should be. Just because some do things their own way, does not mean that that is the way.
Googly wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:19 pm
Here’s your hated Tommy Robertson, you made me sit through this, it’s not my fight, but I can smell bullshit from 1000 paces and this man speaks the truth.
Oh man. Who could even listen to 5 minutes of this muppet let alone a whole hour. A man who has been proven time and time again to be a bigot, a racist, a spreader of lies and bull crap and you expect me to sit through that. Why should I listen to someone who devalues me as a human being?
Sun Mar 29, 2020 7:13 pm
I agree with you guys (as I've said) that atheism is a murderous scourge unto itself but some of you guys are being very very intellectually dishonest dismissing some of the concerns Googly bringing up.
I'm happy to listen to his concerns, as long as he is willing to accept that he may be wrong. Judging by his previous posts, I don't expect that to be the case, because again, by his account, moderates cannot be Muslim.
Googly wrote:
Sun Mar 29, 2020 8:49 pm ... orce-case/
You wanted evidence and here it is.
You have also failed to mention how this law gave rights to the women in cases of divorce. It is not an implementation of Shariah Law. It is essentially the extension of the current divorce laws, but with reference that in Muslim marriages, other factors are to be considered. The same applies in matters of Jewish marriage and Hindu marriage in these countries. We just don't hear about them because "Mozlems are eeevil". This is also because a Muslim has a court marriage and a religious marriage and to null and void the religious marriage, there are certain aspects which need to be observed, all of which provide protection and equal rights to both members in the marriage. My brother did a whole thesis and study on this. He also got attacked by the media. We've been through the legal wrangles. It's a media beat up which was proven that the institution of these laws in cases of Muslim divorce were actually better.

Don't also forget the number one rule of Shariah Law. If you live in a country that is not governed by Shariah Law, you MUST follow the law of the land in which you live and cannot advocate for of impose Shariah Law.

Believe you me. I am a harsh critic of religion. Even my own, and to this day. I stepped away for a while. I have done my fair share of things. I have done my research and study. So I am not speaking from a place of one sided view. I am speaking from a whole perspective of which I have questioned, studied, research, understood.

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

You keep grabbing onto this moderates can’t be Muslim statement I’m supposed to have made. I can’t see where I said that? I wouldn’t have Muslim friends if that were the case. You’re being very disingenuous by saying all religions have their hot spots. Many have had fanatics in the past, but I’m talking specifically about the present. You’re downplaying the enormous problems that are developing in parts of the UK and Western Europe.
I’ve watched numerous videos and read even more reports and articles from both sides over the years and there’s a massive problem. You’ve chosen to interpret the Quran in a good way, as have hopefully the majority, but it doesn’t change the fact that there are a huge number that choose to interpret it literally. There’s a problem just up the road from us in Northern Mozambique, they’ve taken over a vast swathe of territory and are busy hacking heads of Christians, raping young girls and basically doing what they do in many areas of the world.
The UK have identified 35000 radicals, that’s people on their radar and that they actively monitor. Can you imagine the man power, resources and money required to to do that? The number who’ve yet to have been identified must be way in excess of that.
I’ve listened to what many of them had to say and for a moderate such as yourself to allow that to go on in your midst is downright wrong and borderline complicit, that’s my argument. My RC, Protestant, Born Again evangelical type friends are not hacking off heads, blowing shit up, raping killing and murdering in the name of their God. Some of my Jewish mates are, but that’s another story.

I had a friend that I grew up with here that for reasons only known to himself, infiltrated the EDL and for years provided the government with information, and I suspect some of the radicals. I could never get a straight answer from him as to what his motivation was. I’m going to try again, I’ve got 21 days to kill. I might actually finally dob him in to some nasty skin heads with tattoos and see how they feel about him unless he honestly gives me an answer. They’ll kill him for sure. :lol:
I’m not sure why people don’t take this Tommy guy more seriously. If just half of what he says is true there’s a problem. He’s no more of a racist and a bigot than the people he’s up against, so if I can listen to both sides, so can you. He has a few black friends from what I can see so I’m not sure how racist he really is. He also seems to have a working relationship with some Moslems. Freedom from the shackles of faith based religion allows that without having to ask for forgiveness and self flagellate.

I didn’t fail to mention anything about the divorce law. Kriterion challenged and I answered. Again disingenuous because there are at least 85 Sharia Tribunals that operate in the UK and huge sections of the Moslem community choose to operate outside of British law completely so they all break their no. 1 Law?? But you know they do so why are you selling me something different?
You’re passing yourself off as a deeply thoughtful expert and me as someone who has just dipped his toes and knows nothing. It’s not true. When I don’t have an answer I’ll research with an open mind.

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Re: Corona

Post by Kriterion_BD »

Googly wrote:
Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:28 am
My RC, Protestant, Born Again evangelical type friends are not hacking off heads, blowing shit up, raping killing and murdering in the name of their God.
They are in Central African Republic, Uganda, Lebanon and a host of other places in the African continent. But it would a great crime to paint all 2.5 billion Christians around the world on the basis of a few hundred thousand radicals. There are murderous folks of all religions and no religion. Hindus have killed Muslims and Sikhs in India. Buddhists have massacred Muslims in Myanmar. Atheists are butchering Muslims Uighers in China, as has already been stated. Muslims are brutalizing minorities in many countries as well. Even Jewish extremists have attacked Palestinians from time to time. Even the Sikh faith, one of the most peaceful faiths evern, has produce extremists like Bhindranwale.

Unless your ideology is Jainism, there are violent extremists in it. Muslim and Christian ones stand out because we are the only 2 religions present in pretty much eveyr country and combined 60% of the world's population follows one of those religions. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Corona

Post by zimbos_05 »

Googly wrote:
Thu Mar 26, 2020 8:38 pm
The term “moderate” Muslim I treat with deserved skepticism, you either denounce what the book orders you to do or you agree with it. All the moderates do is allow the fundamentalists to get on with it because they don’t have the nuts to do it themselves, it’s a silent blessing.
The quote you keep asking for.

As for the rest of it. I am not ignoring what is happening in the UK and Western Europe. I am merely stating that what you are following and believing is not exactly as you are making it out to be. You have taken statements from people like Robinson, Farage, Trump etc etc and are like, "see...look at the Mozlems. So horrible"

Like I've said, I can go into deep about the interpretation of the Quran, but I feel that because it wont fit the narrative, it wont make a difference. Honestly, I've had this chat way too many times over the last 15 plus years. Every time it comes up, I am basically having to argue the case that I am a normal person who believes in peace, like my religion teaches and here is the proof, and that Islam is not hell bent on world domination. I also then have to argue that I deserve the same human rights as everyone else. It's not longer about defending religion for most Muslims, but defending their humanity.

I listen to both sides all the time. I always welcome discussion, I just don't entertain when it is not fair discussion. Not long ago was the one year anniversary of the Christchurch massacre. That day was treated with condemnation, but for many of us, we were greeted with bigotry and hatred. People were applauding the shooter and spouting hate and justifying his actions as the fault of Muslims. The leader of the UK has called Muslim women letterboxes whilst others referred to them as garbage bags. Australian leaders have referred to Muslims as savages and we have been ridiculed in parliament. One even called for Muslim extermination similar to a final solution system like the Nazis. The US has a long history of anti-Muslim hate from its leaders, including its current one. Countless studies prove that right wing terrorism is a greater threat than Islamic terrorism. Heck, domestic terrorism in the US is a bigger threat. The Chinese are murdering Uighurs in huge numbers and no one blinks.

This is what it is for us. We get murdered in cold blood, and we get blamed for it. And people believe that and continue to preach it.

You know what. Say what you want about my religion and what it is. Talk about how it is violent and all the others are better. I honestly have no more energy to keep trying to do this. It has taken such a toll on me, I really can't anymore. The fact that our humanity and our existence has to be fought and argued on literally every single corner and turn says more about the world than it does about Muslims. I apologise for passing myself off as an expert. I am by no means. I will learn to speak more akin to my 'primitive' faith. I am going to try my best to be a good person and be kind to everyone. I will try to keep to myself and hopefully those who I engage with see the good in me. I hope to find the good in everyone else. If you choose to believe that my religion teaches me that, fair enough. If not, so be it.

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

Fair enough, it’s a no win discussion anyway. Let’s wait for cricket or argue about something else :lol:

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Re: Corona

Post by kudet »

# ... ome-crease
NO nets, no games and no cricket, but when life gives you lemons, best to make lemonade.

That appears to be the frame of mind of most of the Zimbabwe national cricket players, as many of them have turned to parenthood, and are absolutely loving it.

Cricketers are some of the athletes that spend the most time away from family, either touring or in camps, but due to the Covid-19 pandemic, they have been grounded just like many other athletes.

Under normal circumstances, the Chevrons would have been winding up their engagements with touring county sides Derbyshire and Durham, with focus shifting to hosting Ireland for three T20 Internationals and as many ODIs.

Instead, the players have been playing with kids at home.

Chamu Chibhabha is enjoying time with his two kids, Christian and Keana.

“For me, it has been easy because home is my favourite place to be.

“It is just that now I am more present there, we have been given some work to do for the kids, so we are parenting and teaching.

“My son is a handful; being home with him has just made me mindful of the fact that they are growing.

“Other than that, I am just trying to find ways to keep my body in shape.”

Seam bowler Victor Nyauchi has a new baby girl, Krystal, born in March and is not allowing any visitors to see the baby.

“I know it is part of our culture for people to come and see a new baby, but with what is going on, it is a bit tricky,” he said.

“I have been home, spending a lot of time with my family, which is cool, and in-between I have been doing my fitness to stay in shape.”

Sikandar Raza has new training partners in his kids Eessa and Anaya.

“I have been doing my cardio and core exercises at home,” Raza said.

“They run with me when I do my cardio, and count my crunches when am doing them.

“They are very happy actually.

“I have been studying about this virus and trying to educate myself so that I can help my family and community with information,” he said.

Test keeper Regis Chakabva is playing it safe.

“Obviously, this is a challenging time for everyone, and we are doing our bit to try stay safe and healthy.

“I have watched a bit of (cricket) highlights here and there, but haven’t spent much time thinking too much about it.

“Personally, I felt like I needed a little break, anyway, so in a way I appreciate the time off.

“This is an unprecedented time, and staying safe and healthy is more important than cricket.

“I haven’t done as much fitness as I normally would, as I needed a good break away from everything.

“I will definitely start doing some home workouts to stay in shape.”

Test opener Prince Masvaure is also enjoying bonding with his daughter Anashe.

“We are having plenty of bonding time, but we are also not getting along as I am trying to make sure she grows up well.

“She thinks daddy is not being fair, but I have to do what a parent has to do, hey.

“It is always important spending time with your family, as we are always out there playing cricket, and do not get much time with them, so we are using this time to catch up on a lot of things.

Craig Ervine is enjoying “special” time with his son, Jack Rory.

“(I have been) self-isolating at home with family to save lives.

“It is special, so far, to spend so much time with my seven-month-old boy.

“If my boy was older, I would definitely be in the garden hitting balls and practising catches, playing different games like tip and run, hitting targets and playing situations etcetera

“That obviously requires a decent garden.”

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

I was enjoying watching the guys pad up against the clock until some mupppet decided it would be faster to slip his leg in the pads that were already loosely done up.

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

Going into self isolation and playing no cricket is surely just another day for the Zim players!
Did you see Mark Woods dance on Twitter? That was really funny. People will be going out of their minds by day 5
It’s day one here and I can tell you all as a fact that I’m not sticking out 21 days. The cops are crowded 50 in the back of a 7 tonner patrolling the streets looking for people to fuck up, it’s mind boggling. Their day will come here, when there’s change they will get what’s coming.

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Re: Corona

Post by Googly »

ECB injects £61 million into the county system to help them through the hard times.

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