Gary Ballance Statement

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

Ypu like picking holes, so do I. :lol:
Prejudice against a race is essentially racism if it's overt, it's the very definition of it. Both individuals and groups can be equally guilty.
It should be redefined so you're allowed to think it, have a laugh with your mates, but you don't get branded unless you overtly show it. 99% of us have some form of prejudice.
Systemic racism is institutionalised racism only. It doesn't have to be perpetuated by the majority either. It depends who set the rules, they could just as easily be in the minority- Rhodesia, SA, Rwanda spring to mind.

Bigotry is a step up from prejudice, it's someone who overtly manifested his prejudice. If it was directed at someone because they were a different race then its the same as racism.

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

I see an Alex Hales blackface picture has materialised so now he's in shit. :lol:

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by secretzimbo »

Googly wrote:
Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:27 am
I see an Alex Hales blackface picture has materialised so now he's in shit. :lol:
Haha well from what I’ve read he’s basically universally unpopular - supposed to be a horrible guy. That’s why he’s never got back in the England team after his drugs thing. I mean the entire England team calling anyone of colour ‘Kevin’, and then Hales buying a black dog just for a laugh and calling it Kevin?!?!

This is all pretty bad stuff, from all sides.

The funny thing is the English in general and in a cricketing sense the ECB are always the first to lecture anyone else. I mean England won’t even fucking tour Zimbabwe because they think we are such an awful bunch of people :lol:

I don’t think you’d get a sports team or anyone in Zimbabwe being so outright directly nasty and bullying of someone over race nowadays to their face like this. We just have lots of exclusion and underhand attempts to keep whites out of things at every opportunity. Which is probably even worse in theory.

But I mean all this stuff going on in England is just downright....nasty? Like just vile. These guys are adults and supposed to be role models?

Honestly fuck the English in general.

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

I'm just laughing at the ridiculousness of it all. It was in poor taste and he's clearly stupid. Blackface has poor connotations, he's also mixed up in the Yorkshire controversy with his dog called Kevin.
I'll guarantee no babies in UK will be called called Kevin for the foreseeable future.

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

Again I think most are guilty of double standards. It's human nature. You have a public and private persona.
The trick is to be reasonable, tolerant and sensitive I guess.
The easiest thing is to tar everyone with the same brush and then be pleasantly surprised if someone from a different race is a good bloke.
I've lost count of the times I've heard-
He's nice for a white guy, or he's nice for a black guy. It's inappropriate, but I guess it's a step in the right direction. :lol:
You get caught out when you say things in private that you wouldn't say in public, not just about race, but about religion, gender and all manner of things. The trick is to train yourself to be the same in both, but that would be boring. :x

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Googly »

Nobody of consequence wants to tour Zim. That may change slightly if a team wants to get the feel of the pitches pre WC in a few years time.
Ya the English Gov have a lot to answer for. They sold the Rhodesians down the river, then decided Zimbabwe was undemocratic and turned their backs, yet clandestinely still trained our military? Reparations that were due were reneged upon that would have been a game changer here. Now its probably just an excuse not to play us because we don't offer much cricket-wise. We're a flea on a dog's arse to them- same sentiment held by our neighbours SA. If they applied the same standard they wouldn't be playing Afghanistan or SA either.
That old school tie old money network runs deep and as soon as you see a Lord or a Sir on a Board you know there's some slippery stuff ahead. Their discomfort does give one a twinge of something, there's some bandaging to be done.

I wonder if as a gesture of goodwill they will make their eligibility restrictions for club less onerous, or will that be a step too far?

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by ZIMDOGGY »

Side note:
I habs just stopped over to the UK myself this weekend.
Came through Stansted down to Stratford.
Deadset i habe not seen one house. Not one.
Are houses with backyards really not a thing here?
Cricinfo profile of the 'James Bond' of cricket:

FULL NAME: Angus James Mackay
BORN: 13 June 1967, Harare
KNOWN AS: Gus Mackay

'The' Gus Mackay.




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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by secretzimbo »

Fri Nov 19, 2021 2:56 pm
Side note:
I habs just stopped over to the UK myself this weekend.
Came through Stansted down to Stratford.
Deadset i habe not seen one house. Not one.
Are houses with backyards really not a thing here?
Depends where you are. Not really in London. Houses will often have a backyard but usually tiny compared to what you’d be used to somewhere like Zim or Australia etc. Different in rural or rich areas of course.

I lived in a terraced house in Scotland, the ‘good sized family garden’ (as described by the real estate guy) was 8ftx8ft of grass and about the same again of concrete with a depressing little table and two chairs on. With high wooden fences on all three sides. Oh and the adjoining house - so literally a few metres away - had the worst bratty kids screaming all day in their own ‘garden’ all day every day.

I preferred living in HK where at least I had a balcony and a nice view, and it was occasionally not fecking raining!

Arriving back to my uncles farm here after 2.5 years away and seeing the expanse of land and nature actually made me tear up when I got out the car.

Bit off topic but errrrr....

Maybe this is why the brits are so miserable and racist? :lol:

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Kriterion_BD »

Googly wrote:
Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:11 am
Systemic racism is institutionalised racism only. It doesn't have to be perpetuated by the majority either. It depends who set the rules, they could just as easily be in the minority- Rhodesia, SA, Rwanda spring to mind.
SA, Rhodesia are exceptions because its relatively rare in human history for a minority group to set up the institutions in a state. I can't think of many other examples. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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Re: Gary Ballance Statement

Post by Kriterion_BD »

Googly wrote:
Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:35 pm

That's simply not true. Many former slaves were repatriated, almost all entirely against their will, to Sierra Leone and Liberia. They literally had to be rounded up again because they knew what awaited them. Just Google it, it's well documented.
A large proportion were subsequently killed in tribal wars or died of disease.
Do yourself a favor and read Martin Meredith's books, he's brilliant. The State of Africa is riveting. There's a chapter there that describes in detail how a large group did successfully return more recently to Liberia and became the dominant families in that country. They have ruled mafia style for generations and imposed more hardship and suffering on their people than any slave owner could ever hope to. They had learnt all the nasty tricks of their former slave masters and doubled up.
Also with DNA testing these days I'm fairly sure you could figure out where you came from within a few square miles.
Believe me there are no takers for leaving the land of free shit and deeply apologetic former slave owners to return to the corrupt turmoil that is Africa. :lol: There's plenty folk that shout about how they were wrenched from their roots but all they have to do is emigrate, there's fuck all stopping them, I'd suggest immigration laws into Liberia are not quite as onerous as UK :lol: It would be money well spent for America to give them the 400k seed capital Biden was promising. They'd come scuttling back within 6 months after having been liberated of their cash and be thanking Jesus great grandpappy was a slave. If it was a one way ticket and they lose their American citizenship not one single person would put their hand up, even with 400k on offer, take poison on that.
Thats all interesting reading but you missed the part about the fundamental difference. African Americans were kidnapped against their will whilst white South Africans essentially came on a vacation. Whether someone wants to go back is secondary to how they arrived in the first place, no? Its like reading Anne Frank's diary and reaching the conclusion that the tragedy was she had use paper and pen instead of making Tiktok videos like normal teenagers.

Hence the reasoning behind the slogan of BLM vs saying ALM. ALM has always been a given. If I went to the hospital with a broken leg, and the doctor said he can't do anything about it because "all bones matter", he'd be stripped of his medical license. (Noreaga - Blood Money Part 3)

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